Binary to utf 8 converter in
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How to convert a Binary String to UTF-8 String in java?
i am doing a project which requires me to convert UTF-8 string stored in a windows text file into a continuous binary string and store it in a windows text file. and then read this binary string and convert it back to the original UTF-8 String and store it in a text file. i converted the UTF-8 string to Binarystring but have no idea how to reverse the process.
here's my program to convert UTF-8 String to Binary strings.
here's my input(16 characters):
here's my output:
1111111111111101 10000 1111111111111101 11111 1111111111111101 100111 1001001 101110 1110000 111100 1111111111111101 1100001 101100 101001 1111111111111101 1111111111111101
i need help converting these binary strings back to a single UTF-8 String and store it in a text file.
i achieved what i want with the following code:
But the problem is i cant add extra 0's to make every binary string to a length of 16, because i need to store this data in a image(for my image steganography project). so the shorter the binary string the better.
i need to get the same output produced by the above code but without converting every binary string to a length of 16.
PS: i am kinda lost when it comes to character encodings. is storing UTF-8 characters in a windows txt file convert them to ANSI or something?
a byte has 8 bits. in a first step, ignore the UTF-8 issue, just fill a byte[] with the data from your binary string.
When you have a byte[] data, you can use new String(d) to create an UTF-8 String (Java Strings are UTF-8 be default).
Binary to utf 8 converter in
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converting binary to utf-8 in python
I have a binary like this: 1101100110000110110110011000001011011000101001111101100010101000
and I want to convert it to utf-8. how can I do this in python?
Inverse (from @Robᵩ's comment):
Well, the idea I have is: 1. Split the string into octets 2. Convert the octet to hexadecimal using int and later chr 3. Join them and decode the utf-8 string into Unicode
This code works for me, but I'm not sure what does it print because I don't have utf-8 in my console (Windows :P ).
Binary to utf 8 converter in
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How to convert a UTF-8 character to binary in C [closed]
I am having trouble getting the decimal values of UTF-8 characters and then converting them to binary (something like 12 = 0b110). For example, how can I transfer "ン" to its binary "11100011 10000011 10110011" ?
I know that UTF-8 uses multiple bytes. I tried to print it out every 8 bits from left to right. For ASCII, I use the way below to print it out, but for UTF-8, what can I use?
closed as unclear what you're asking by Some programmer dude, Magisch, HaveNoDisplayName, usr2564301, EdChum Mar 29 '16 at 8:52
Please clarify your specific problem or add additional details to highlight exactly what you need. As it's currently written, it’s hard to tell exactly what you're asking. See the How to Ask page for help clarifying this question. If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.
If you need binary representation of the UTF-8 form then just print bit-by-bit of bytes.
If you need binary representation of the character then convert it to UTF-32 form and then to binary form.
Binary to utf 8 converter in
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Convert binary encoding that head and Notepad can read to UTF-8
I have a CSV file which is in binary character set but I have to convert to UTF-8 to process in HDFS (Hadoop).
I have used the below command to check characterset.
when I try to convert the file from binary to UTF-8 it throws error.
can anyone please help me to understand is it possible to convert or not, I can able to see the data using head command.
What does it mean , Binary means non-readable but how head command or notepad can read the data.
"binary" isn't an encoding (character-set name). iconv needs an encoding name to do its job.
The file utility doesn't give useful information when it doesn't recognize the file format. It could be UTF-16 for example, without a byte-encoding-mark (BOM). notepad reads that. The same applies to UTF-8 (and head would display that since your terminal may be set to UTF-8 encoding, and it would not care about a BOM).
If the file is UTF-16, your terminal would display that using head because most of the characters would be ASCII (or even Latin-1), making the "other" byte of the UTF-16 characters a null.
In either case, the lack of BOM will (depending on the version of file ) confuse it. But other programs may work, because these file formats can be used with Microsoft Windows as well as portable applications that may run on Windows.
To convert the file to UTF-8, you have to know which encoding it uses, and what the name for that encoding is with iconv . If it is already UTF-8, then whether you add a BOM (at the beginning) is optional. UTF-16 has two flavors, according to which byte is first. Or you could even have UTF-32. iconv -l lists these:
"LE" and "BE" refer to little-end and big-end for the byte-order. Windows uses the "LE" flavors, and iconv likely assumes that for the flavors lacking "LE" or "BE".
You can see this using an octal (sic) dump: